ISO 14001 and EMS Implementation

ISO 14001 and EMS Implementation

IAEG has developed an Environmental Management System (EMS) Maturity Framework to support the uptake of Environmental Management Systems by IAEG members and by entities throughout its members’ value chains.

EMS Maturity Framework: Getting started


Communication Materials

EMS Maturity Framework (Requirements)

EMS Maturity Framework Resources & Examples

Verification Toolkit

Publication Process

The communication material includes this flyer and an awareness video introducing the IAEG EMS Maturity Framework.

The EMS Maturity Framework describes 4 different levels of maturity of Environmental Management Systems. It provides a means for companies to effect a step-by-step approach, or evolution, towards an EMS covering all ISO14001 requirements.

The Resources and Examples provide information for each of the EMS elements which can be used to assure status at an existing maturity level, or to evolve towards the next EMS maturity level, for example, from ‘Advanced’ to Leading EMS level’.

The Verification Tool Kit provides a requirements conformity checklist, guidance on assessor qualifications, templates for self-declaration and 3rd party verification statement.

The Publication Process describes how to communicate information about the EMS maturity level of your company, e.g. on