In September 2015 the third edition of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems [EMS] standard was released. The new revision (ISO 14001:2015) has several changes, focusing more on “beyond compliance” including taking a life cycle perspective, placing a greater emphasis on ‘opportunities’ (in addition to risks) and encouraging a more integrated approach to the supply chain. Without an Aerospace and Defence Industry Transition Document, there is a risk that companies may not consistently implement the new ISO 14001 requirements. This could lead to conflicting approaches meaning that the full benefits of the new standard are not realised. Certified organisations have until September 2018 to transition to the revised standard.
- Publish a Transition Document for the recently updated ISO 14001:2015 EMS standard to provide an Aerospace and Defense sectoral interpretation of EMS aspects not specific to internal company operations, such as control or influence over:
- global external issues;
- global interested parties;
- products in use;
- product life-cycle aspects;
- and outsourced processes (e.g., supply chain)
- Provide the Transition Document as a voluntary reference tool and resource for use by IAEG members, supply chain companies and other interested parties.
- Develop training and communication materials to aid companies transitioning to the 2015 standard, as well as to support small and medium sized companies as they develop and mature their environmental management systems.
IAEG has released its International Aerospace Environmental Group: Transitioning to ISO 14001:2015, a voluntary consensus document for aerospace and defense companies. The purpose of this document is to provide IAEG members and other interested parties, with a view of areas that IAEG has identified as potentially relevant to its membership should any of them wish to transition to ISO 14001:2015.
Who Can Use This Document
- IAEG member companies, supply chain companies and other interested parties.
Contact: Jamie Reyes